Sex and Headache : Headache during or after Orgasm. Is it Serious ? What to do ?

Last year, a 30 year old professional came to me with a history of Headache after Orgasm and wanted to know whether it is normal. In fact, all he expected was walking into the consultation chamber, me saying “Nothing to worry” and he walk back reassured. But, it is not as simple as that !

Let us see some basics. Intra cranial Tension (ICT) or Intra cranial pressure (ICP) refers to the pressure inside the brain. When it is raised beyond a limit, there is headache. During Orgasm, ICP increases a bit.

Pressure inside the Brain : Sex and Headache

  • When the Baseline Intra Cranial pressure is within normal limits, even when there is raise in pressure, it does not cause headache
  • If the Baseline ICP is high enough to cause headache then there is headache all the time
  • But if the baseline ICP is itself a bit high, but not so high as to cause headache, there is no headache during routine activities
    But During Orgasm, the ICP Further increases and the threshold is crossed. So there is headache

In Short

  • Mild Headache during Normal Times and Increase in Intensity during Orgasm means that the individual has a high ICP
  • No Headache during Normal Times and headache only during orgasm means that the Intra Cranial Pressure is rising and we need to urgently intervene to find the cause

I did an Clinical Examination and as expected the Fundus (Eye) showed early eigns of increased pressure inside the skull. It can be any infection or tumour. MRI of Brain Revealed Infection of the coverings of the brain with Tuberculous bacteria. The patient took proper treatment and the infection has been cured and the pressure has come back to normal and when you see the Eye (Fundus) now, there is no sign of raised pressure

Now Few Frequently Asked Questions about this

  • Question 1. What is the common Cause of Headache after Orgasm. Is it Always an Infection or Tumour ?
  • Answer 1. No ! The most common cause of Headache after Orgasm is Muscle Tension.
  • Question 2. Is MRI Brain Needed for Every Case of Headache after Orgasm
  • Answer 2. No. MRI Brain is not needed for every case of headache after orgasm. It is needed only when the Pressure Inside Brain is Increased
  • Question 3. How do I know whether the pressure inside my brain is increaed or not  ?
  • Answer 3. Consult a Neurosurgeon !

To Fix Employee Seniority and Decide when each one will move to Higher Rank

Help needed from #EXCEL, #MACRO, #DB, #Database experts
See this file from DropBox

This is the Seniority List of Employees.

  • In the first Column, We have the employees Unique ID
  • In the Second Column, we have the employees Date of Birth
  • In the Third Column, we have the Seniority of the Employees as on June  2018

The Promotion for the employees are given based on their seniority

  • Assume that Employees in Seniority 1 to 3000 are Called Rank I
  • Assume that Employees in Seniority 3001 to 6000 are Called Rank II
  • Assume that Employees in Seniority 6001 to 9000 are Called Rank III
  • Assume that Employees in Seniority 9001 to 12000 are Called Rank IV

Each Employee Moves up the seniority when some one senior to him retires
Employees Retire on Reaching 58 years subject to the following Rules

  • Those who are born from 2 to 31st of a month retire at the end of the month after completing 58 year
  • Those are are born on first of a month retire on the last day of previous month

In Other words

  • Those who are born from 02-06-1960 to 01-07-1960 will retire on 30-06-2018
  • Those who are born from 02-07-1960 to 01-08-1960 will retire on 31-07-2018
  • Those who are born from 02-08-1960 to 01-09-1960 will retire on 31-08-2018
  • Those who are born from 02-09-1960 to 01-10-1960 will retire on 30-09-2018
  • Those who are born from 02-10-1960 to 01-11-1960 will retire on 31-10-2018
  • Those who are born from 02-11-1960 to 01-12-1960 will retire on 30-11-2018
  • Those who are born from 02-12-1960 to 01-01-1961 will retire on 31-12-2018

So What happens

Assume 40 people in Rank I and 20 People in Rank II (this is assumption. Real Data will be varying) retire on 30-06-2018

  • On 01 July 2018
  • We need to move those in Seniority 3001 to 3040 (in this case Unique ID 3000 to 3039) from Rank II to Rank I
  • Now, In Rank II, 40 people have been promoted to Rank I and Another 20 people have retired
  • So, Those in Seniority 6001 to 6060 (in this case Unique ID 6000 to 6059) will be moved from Rank III to Rank II
  • And, Those in Seniority 9001 to 9060 will move from Rank IV to Rank III

This has to be done at every Month

In this way
We will have to find a date on which every individual will move to the next higher Rank

  • As far as those who are already in Rank I, there is no further promotion
  • For those in Rank II, we need to find when each of them will move to Rank I
  • For those in Rank III, we need to find when each of them will move to Rank II and then to Rank I
  • For those in Rank IV, we need to find when each of them will move to Rank III and then to Rank II and then to Rank I

We need to list against each person

  • in Rank II (Seniority 3001 to 6000) when he/she will is get on to Rank I (1 to 3000) ie 1 date
  • in Rank III (Seniority 6001 to 9000) When he/she will be reach Rank II (3001-6000) and then Rank I (1 – 3000) ie 2 dates
  • in Rank IV (Seniority 9001 to 12000) When he/she will reach Rank III (6001-9000), Rank II (3001-6000) and then to Rank I (1-3000)  ie three dates

Feel free to ask doubts
We would be much grateful for the dates
If you can also teach how to do, it will be even more helpful

Neurochemistry of Shopping : Spendthrift and Misers : Addiction and Impulsive Buying

The Neurochemistry of Shopping or Why Few are addicted to Shopping all the time (Spendthrifts) and why every one likes shopping once in a while (except misers)

Let us See How Shopping makes you happy and Why some spend more in shopping and land up in debt while others are stingy


Shopping means getting possession of a new article
From Time Immemorial humans wanted possessions.
When you are going to get a New Article your brain is going to be happy
When it is something which you are going to use everyday, the happiness is even more

Your Brain is a complex Structure and has lots of parts

For Today’s topic of interest, let us focus on three areas

  1. Nucleus Accumbens
  2. Insula
  3. Pre Frontal Cortex


Nucleus accumbens (NAc or NAcc), also known as the accumbens nucleus, or formerly as the nucleus accumbens septi (Latin for nucleus adjacent to the septum)
Nucleus accumbens (NAc or NAcc), also known as the accumbens nucleus, or formerly as the nucleus accumbens septi (Latin for nucleus adjacent to the septum)

The nucleus accumbens is a region in the basal forebrain rostral to the preoptic area of the hypothalamus and is one of the reward centres of the brain.

It is active when the individual feels pleasure. In the 1950s, James Olds and Peter Milner implanted electrodes into the septal area of the rat and found that the rat chose to press a lever which stimulated it. It continued to prefer this even over stopping to eat or drink.

Coming Back to our topic, Shopping is Buying things and that is getting something for you and this is a pleasurable activity. Hence When you plan to buy something or when you buy something, this area of the brain is more active.


In each hemisphere of the mammalian brain the insular cortex (also insula and insular lobe) is a portion of the cerebral cortex folded deep within the lateral sulcus (the fissure separating the temporal lobe from the parietal and frontal lobes).
In each hemisphere of the mammalian brain the insular cortex (also insula and insular lobe) is a portion of the cerebral cortex folded deep within the lateral sulcus (the fissure separating the temporal lobe from the parietal and frontal lobes).

The Next Area of interest is Insula. it is located deep inside the brain in between frontal lobes and temporal lobes. It has many functions. The insulae are believed to be involved in consciousness and play a role in diverse functions usually linked to emotion or the regulation of the body’s homeostasis. These functions include compassion and empathy, perception, motor control, self-awareness, cognitive functioning, and interpersonal experience. In relation to these, it is involved in psychopathology.

The functions of interest to us is its role in pain experience and the experience of a number of basic emotions, including anger, fear, disgust, happiness, and sadness.


 The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the cerebral cortex which covers the front part of the frontal lobe.
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the cerebral cortex which covers the front part of the frontal lobe.

The Third Area of Interest is the Prefrontal Cortex. This brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behaviour.

The most typical psychological term for functions carried out by the prefrontal cortex area is executive function. Executive function relates to abilities to differentiate among conflicting thoughts, determine good and bad, better and best, same and different, future consequences of current activities, working toward a defined goal, prediction of outcomes, expectation based on actions, and social “control” (the ability to suppress urges that, if not suppressed, could lead to socially unacceptable outcomes).

Frontal cortex supports concrete rule learning. More anterior regions along the rostro-caudal axis of frontal cortex support rule learning at higher levels of abstraction


Now Let us see what happens when you see an iMac or Blackberry or a Large Screen TV or a Car or a Dress. Upon Seeing it you want to buy it and “have possession of it” This is a pleasant feeling and your Nucleus Accumbens gets activated. Simultaneously, your Prefrontal Lobe calculates the cost of the iMac / Blackberry / Car / Dress and gives the information that “When you get this new object, you need to give money (from purse or bank account)” While Getting things is a pleasurable activity, giving away things (money from purse or account) is a painful activity. Immediately Your Insula activates upon the pain for losing money.

Nucleus Accumbens shouts, pleades, smiles, nudges on one side while Insula gets angry, cries, shouts, blames on the other side and your prefrontal cortex is the judge (aka Nattamai) between these two


Strong Nattamai controls the panchayat. Strong PreFrontal Cortex allows the purchase

Now comes the most important point. Most People have a good prefrontal cortex. This Prefrontal Cortex does complex Calculations. It first asks whether the object is really needed and whether there will be recurring expenses (eg Petrol and Service for Car) with this. It then finds whether there is enough money left in purse or bank after buying it.  And when Everything is OK, it says “Go Ahead” and Subdues the Insula and Nucleus Accumbens is more active for the next few hours to days to even weeks and the person is happy and elated. This is how Shopping makes one happy and gives a pleasant feeling.

Nattamai PreFrontal Cortex Stops the Purchase
Strong Nattamai controls the panchayat. Strong PreFrontal Cortex Stops the Purchase

Suppose the Object is really not needed or if there is not enough money with the individual, Prefrontal Cortex asks to Stop and subdues the nucleus Accumbens and the individual is a bit sad for minutes to hours to days to weeks depending on the individual.


Weak Nattamai leads to one party having upper hand Weak Prefrontal Cortex leads to Insula or Nucleus Accumbens having Upper hand
Weak Nattamai leads to one party having upper hand
Weak Prefrontal Cortex leads to Insula or Nucleus Accumbens having Upper hand

But some people do not have a good prefrontal cortex. That is the nattamai here is unable to exert his force and one of the parties coming for panchayat is able to confuse the nattamai and get away with his strength

So, what happens when the individual’s Prefrontal Cortex is Weak. In this case, either the Nucleus Accumbens or the Insula takes upper hand (depending on which is inherently stronger)

Weak Nattamai leads to one party having upper hand and individual is either spendthrift or miser
Weak Nattamai leads to one party having upper hand and individual is either spendthrift or miser
  • In a person with weak prefrontal cortex, if the Nucleus Accumbens is inherently Stronger, the individual is unable to control his / her spending. He goes on buying more – can be even impulsive buying – and even buys with loans and credit cards and even buys things for which he has rare or infrequent usage. These people end up as Spendthrift
  • In a person with weak prefrontal cortex, if the Insula is inherently stronger, the individual does not even spend for essential items and ends up as a Miser.  A Son asked his father “Dad, who is a miser”. Dad replied “one who does not show money to his family”. Son Asked “Dad, what  is money” . . . .. This dad probably had over acting insula with weak prefrontal cortex and weak nucleus accumbens



  1. The article is from a class I took to students recently. The Title can be (1) Neurochemistry of Shopping (2) Physiology of Spendthrift and Misers (3) Psychology of Addiction and Impulsive Buying. However the best title is “Use of Cinema to keep young medicos engaged during Post Lunch Classes”
  2.  I have over simplified the functions of the lobes. Happiness or for that matter any emotion is handled by multiple areas and Insula or for that matter any area has multiple Functions.

The Tamil Nadu Model of Equality in Transplants : How TN Solved Economic Bias and Gender Bias

The Article in Scroll about Transplants suggest this

Are there are then any credible ways to restore equity? One way out is some form of affirmative action. For example the state can mandate that every alternate organ be allotted to a public institution.

TN Govt Rules do this from day one, in fact even better

  • The author suggests 50 % (every alternate) to be allotted to Public
  • But, our rules are such at 3/4th of organs actually are allotted to Public Hospitals and when Public Hospitals Declare more brain death, this will increase even further.

The Relevant Rules are :

  • If the Organ is Donated in Government Hospital, it goes to the First Person in Waiting List in All Govt Hospitals
  • If the organ is donated in Private Hospital, it goes to the Common Waiting List (includes both Govt and Private)

That is Why MMC, Stanley and other Government hospitals Get More Kidneys from Private Hospitals than what they give. In the Data I readily have (it s a bit old, though) we had given just 7 kidneys to Private, but got 36 kidneys from Private, which is actually 84 % – far higher than 50% which Maharashtra wants to do)

Heart : The waiting List in Government is less. We have given 9 hearts to private, got 2 from them. But See the number of hearts not used. It is 54 – Way too high. Here is problem is not a foreign national getting a heart. It is our people not being ready to accept it

Our patients do not agree for transplant when it is indicated. They will refuse transplant. When they develop severe breathlessness they come for transplant and by this time, the lungs are already gone due to Pulmonary Hypertension and they need combined heart lung transplant and if that is not available within few days, they don’t make it. Westerners, on the other hand agree for transplant as soon as the doctor says. That is why few of the the hearts go to foreigners and most are wasted

In Liver alone : we (Govt hospitals) give more (to private hospitals) than what we get. Received : 4. Given 33

In the past, If we identify 100 patients who are clinically brainstem, we were able to certify only 75 % of them.
Of the 75 % whom we are able to certify,
61 % agreed for Donation
14 % did not agree
Of the 61% who agreed, Donation was successful in 59 %


  • 59 % Donated
  • 2 % Agreed for Donation, but not donated
  • 14 % Did not agree for Donation
  • 25 % Patient developed Cardiac Arrest before 2nd Apnea Test

In short, Till 2013
82 % of Patients’ relatives had agreed for donation following brain stem death and in the past, it was mostly voluntary donation. Just tell them about Donation, and they used to immediately agree
Our Challenge was in maintaining the brain stem dead patient with proper ICU Care till we take the organs. The Following Slide was Presented in 2012 NSI Conference

When the above slide was presented, there was a gasp in the audience. These sort of High Acceptance is not known any where where donation is Voluntary. We were in a Very Good Society then !

Recently, Our ICU Care has increased and we are achieving more than 95 % certification – especially in the past one year
The figure of Relatives agreeing to donation is rapidly declining
These days, I am told, only 20 % agree to donate and that too requires persistent efforts from the Grief Counsellors. The reason I infer are

  1. Persistent, Sustained Campaign against Donation in Media and Social Media
  2. Few Recent Movies where Organ Donation has been portrayed in a negative manner
  3. Television Serials : where Organ Donation has been portrayed in a negative manner

This is a challenge we face today

Cadaver Transplant is important for a lots of Reasons

1. It is the Programme where Poor Get Organs

2. We save a life without subjecting another human to anaesthesia and surgery. There exists a potential risk in anaesthesia and surgery, however small the risk may be, there is still a risk for any anaesthesia. Why Subject a healthy individual to surgery, when the same kidney can be obtained from a brain stem dead person

3. For Liver and Heart Transplants, this programme is vital
There is a Split Liver Transplant, but again the risk to donor is high than the risk to the recipient.
4. This is the most crucial point, Which Many Miss

Few Years ago, RGGGH did its 1000th Transplant (a govt hospital doing 1000 transplants all free of cost itself is a big feat)

We did a rapid analysis about the Gender
We found that
In Live Related Transplant
The donation was almost always from Wife to Husband.
When the Husband developed Renal Failure, the Wife almost donated
When the wife developed renal failure, the husband hardly donated

In Cadaver Transplant, this gender bias is totally removed
This programme ensures women get kidneys at the same rate as men
At least for this single reason this programme has to sustain

Unless we effectively counter the negative propaganda, this programme may lose its sheen and once again transplants will be limited to rich and males, like how it is in most other states of India today.

The Writeup Below was added on  12th Jun 2018

Today’s Media and Social Media is abuzz with few articles , & saying that there is an Organ Racket. And as expected, the Social media is full of half baked posts. Even after reading these articles many times, there is no evidence of any malpractice. All these articles rely on few facts.

  • In 2017, foreigners got about 25% of all heart transplants in the State and 33% of lung transplants.
  • Three of four hearts in Chennai in recent times were given to foreigners.
  • In 2017 alone, foreigners were the recipients in 31 heart transplants, 32 lung transplants, and 32 heart and lung transplants. During the same year, Indians were the recipients in 91 heart transplants, 75 lung transplants, and 6 heart and lung transplants.

As well as few Lies (aka half truths)

  • Interestingly, while the wait list of active patients as on June 9, 2018 had 53 foreigners, it had 5,310 Indians.

First Let us debunk the lie (aka half truth) that the waiting list has 53 foreigners while it has 5310 Indians. Reading this with the previous line that there were 31 heart transplants to Foreigners while there were 91 heart transplants to Indians, you will immediately get angry. How come only 91 indians get a heart out of 5310 indians in waiting list, while 31 foreigners have got out of 53 foreigners in waiting list. The Full Truth is that 5310 Indians include those waiting for Kidney Transplants as well as Liver Transplants while the list of 53 foreigners does not include those waiting for Liver and Kidney

In other words, Foreigners cannot get Kidney or Livers donated by Indians, but they can get Heart, Lung etc from Indian Donors
Why ?

Because the List of Indians Waiting  for Kidney and Liver Transplants are very high, while there are few indians waiting for Heart Lung etc. Of the 5310 indians in waiting list, more than 5000 is waiting for Liver and Kidney and only around 150 wait for heart transplant.

To see this further, let us look at the number of Donors and Transplants in the past ten years in TN.

In Cadaver Transplant, Each Brain Stem Dead Donor donates

  • 1 Heart
  • 2 Lungs
  • 1 Liver
  • 2 Kidneys
  • 1 Pancreas
  • 1 Small Bowel

The Following Screenshot has been taken from the Official Site of Transtan ( ) on 12th June 2018

Transtan Data
Transtan Data

This Data shows the Donors (1137) and Recipients (3869).

Of these, the number of organs used and number of organs discarded (or wasted or unused) is as below

Organs Donated Used Discarded Percentage Used Percentage Discarded
Heart 1137 430 707 37.82 62.18
Lung 1137 292 845 25.68 74.32
Liver 1137 1060 77 93.23 6.77
Kidneys 2274 2059 215 90.55 9.45
Pancreas 1137 23 1114 2.02 97.98
Small Intestine 1137 3 1134 0.26 99.74

In any Cadaver Organ Transplant Program 5 to 10 percent of organs cannot be used for the following reasons

  1. Donor having diseases like HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C – Recipient will get these diseases
  2. Donor having Malignancy (Cancer)
  3. Donor having Organ Failure. For example, when a person who already has kidney failure cannot donate his kidneys
  4. Donor having Sepsis – Infection in the Blood of the Donor at the time of Donation
  5. Congenital Deformities of the Donor Organs identified only during Surgery
  6. Decision of the Surgeon that Donor Organ is not suited due to Ischemia Time or other factors

This 5 to 10 % rate of “not used” (wasted, unutilised) is across the world

However, we find that 62 % of Hearts and 75 % of Lungs are not used. That is around two third of hearts and three fourths of Lungs are wasted. This is way beyond the 10 %. Similarly, 97 % of Pancreas and 99 Percent of Small Bowel are also not utilised. The reason for this is

  1. Lack of Adequate Individuals in Waiting List for these organs from Tamil Nadu

As per GO Number 287 dated 05.09.2009, the criteria for allocation of hearts from Brain Stem Dead Donors are very clear and lucid. Six Levels of Priority are fixed to share an organ.

  1. First priority to the list of the Government Hospital where the deceased donor is located, for liver, heart and one kidney. The other kidney would be allocated to the general pool in the priority sequence as listed below.
  2. Second priority to the combined Government Hospitals list
  3. Third priority to the combined Private Hospitals list
  4. Fourth priority to Government Hospitals outside the State, (in order to maximize organ utilization)-provided earlier information and such a request has been registered with the Advisory committee / Convenor, Cadaver Transplant Program, Tamil Nadu.
  5. Fifth priority to Private Hospitals outside the State (in order to maximize organ utilization) provided earlier information and such a request has been registered with the Advisory committee/ Convenor, Cadaver Transplant Program, Tamil Nadu.
  6. Finally, if the organ(s) remains unutilized by the above criteria, it may be offered to a foreign national registered in a Government or Private hospital within and then outside state. (This is to ensure that there is no wastage of organs donated)

The huge number of Heart, Liver, Pancreas, Small Bowel being not used and discarded as seen from the chart below shows that Organs are allotted to Foreign Nationals as Sixth Priority ONLY When there is no one in the waiting List in the Priorities 1 to 5.

So, there is absolutely no racket or malpractice. Foreigners don’t get kidneys and liver because Indians are on Waiting List. Foreigners get heart because, most of the organs are going to be wasted since there are not enough indians on the waiting list. Tamils who are in the waiting List get hearts, like this school going kid, who has been operated in TNGMSSH and is fit for discharge now.

When people spread wrong information about Transplants, it creates a negative opinion and this will inturn reduce the number of people willing to donate. When people don’t donate, kids like the one you see here cannot get back to school. They have no option other than face an early death.

So, next time, when you hear some news about transplants, before spreading it or forwarding it,

  1. Check the official sites
  2. Understand the Data
  3. In case of difficulty, please ask doubts

Please don’t spread wrong news as you are killing (or denying life to) kids by sharing / forwarding / liking / retweeting fake news about transplants


Various Types of Diets Given Free of Cost to Patients in Government Hospitals in Tamil Nadu

What are the various diets that are given to Patients free of Cost in Tamil Nadu Government Hospitals ? This article explains about them

Various Types of Diets Given Free of Cost to Patients in Government Hospitals in Tamil Nadu
Various Types of Diets Given Free of Cost to Patients in Government Hospitals in Tamil Nadu
STD : Standard Diet
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Morning 90
2 Par boiled rice Lunch 125
3 Raw Rice 75
4 rava 75
5 Wheat Flour 75
6 Toor dhal Morning 25
7 Toor dhal Lunch 25
8 Black gram dhal Morning 30
9 Black gram dhal Seasoning 1
10 Greengram dhal Morning 25
11 Greengram dhal Night 10
12 Sundal 30
13 Salt 15
14 Tamarind 7
15 red chillies 5
16 Curry powder 7
17 Cumin seeds 1
18 Pepper 1
19 Mustard 1
20 Fenugreek Seasoning 0.5
21 Fenugreek seeds Morning 0.75
22 Asafoetida 0.1
23 Turmeric 1
24 Garlic 1
25 Groundnut Oil 20
26 Milk Morning 250
27 Curd ml 200
28 Fruit nos 1
29 Vegetable Lunch 100
30 Potato Lunch 100
31 Vegetable Night 100
32 Greens 100
33 Onion 50
34 Tomato 50
35 Carrot 25
36 Beans 25
37 Ginger pongal 1
38 Ginger kitchedi 1
39 Curry & corriander leaves 2
40 Green chillies 2

PPD : Post Partum Diet : After Delivery
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Morning 90
2 Par boiled rice Lunch 125
3 Raw Rice 75
4 rava 75
5 Wheat Flour 75
6 Toor dhal Morning 25
7 Toor dhal Lunch 25
8 Black gram dhal Morning 30
9 Black gram dhal Seasoning 1
10 Greengram dhal Morning 25
11 Greengram dhal Night 10
12 Sundal 30
13 Salt 15
14 Tamarind 7
15 red chillies 5
16 Curry powder 5
17 Cumin seeds 1
18 Pepper 1
19 Mustard 1
20 Fenugreek Seasoning 0.5
21 Fenugreek seeds Morning 0.75
22 Asafoetida 0.1
23 Turmeric 1
24 Garlic 1
25 Groundnut Oil 20
26 Jaggary 25
27 Milk Morning 250
28 Milk Evening 250
29 Curd ml 200
30 Potato Lunch 100
31 Egg nos 1
32 Fruit nos 1
33 Vegetable/Potato Lunch 100
34 Vegetable Night 100
35 Greens 200
36 Onion 60
37 Tomato 60
38 Carrot 25
39 Beans 25
40 Ginger pongal 1
41 Ginger kitchedi 1
42 Curry & corriander leaves 2
43 Green chillies 2


NCD : Non Communicable Disease Diet
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Morning 90
2 Par boiled rice Lunch 75
3 Wheat/Samba Rava Morning 75
4 Wheat/Samba Rava Night 75
5 Wheat Flour Lunch 75
6 wheat flour Night 75
7 Toor dhal Morning 25
8 Black gram dhal Morning 30
9 Black gram dhal Seasoning 1
10 Roasted bengal gram 30
11 Sundal 30
12 Salt 5
13 Tamarind 7
14 red chillies 5
15 Curry powder 7
16 Garam masala powder
17 Cumin seeds 2
18 Pepper 2
19 Mustard 1
20 Fenugreek Seasoning 0.5
21 Fenugreek seeds Morning 0.75
22 Asafoetida 0.1
23 Turmeric 1
24 Garlic 1
25 Groundnut Oil 15
26 Milk Morning 150
27 Milk Evening 100
28 Curd ml 200
29 Egg nos 2
30 Potato Lunch 100
31 Vegetable Soup 50
32 Vegetable Lunch 100
33 Vegetable Night 150
34 Greens 200
35 Onion 75
36 Tomato 75
37 Cucumber 100
38 Ginger – kitchedi 1
39 Curry & corriander leaves 2
40 Green chillies 2

New case : For Patients who are admitted recently
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Bread 200
2 Milk 200


HPD : High Protein Diet
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Morning 90
2 Par boiled rice Lunch 150
3 Raw Rice 75
4 rava 100
5 Wheat Flour 100
6 Toor dhal Morning 25
7 Toor dhal Lunch 25
8 Black gram dhal Morning 30
9 Black gram dhal Seasoning 1
10 Greengram dhal Morning 25
11 Greengram dhal Night 10
12 Roasted bengal gram 50
13 Sundal 50
14 Salt 15
15 Tamarind 7
16 red chillies 5
17 Curry powder 7
18 Cumin seeds 1
19 Pepper 1
20 Mustard 1
21 Fenugreek Seasoning 0.5
22 Fenugreek seeds Morning 0.75
23 Asafoetida 0.1
24 Turmeric 1
25 Garlic 1
26 Goundnut Oil 20
27 Jaggary 10
28 Nutrimix Kanji powder 15
29 Milk Morning 250
30 Milk Evening 250
31 Curd ml 200
32 Egg nos 2
33 Fruit nos 1
34 Vegetable Lunch 100
35 Vegetable Night 100
36 Greens 100
37 Onion 50
38 Tomato 50
39 Carrot 25
40 Beans 25
41 Coconut 20
42 Ginger – pongal 1
43 Ginger – kitchedi 1
44 Curry & corriander leaves 2
45 Green chillies 2
46 Lime 0.25


S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Morning 90
2 Par boiled rice Lunch 150
3 Raw Rice 75
4 rava 100
5 Wheat Flour 100
6 Sago 25
7 Processed soya flour 15
8 Toor dhal Morning 25
9 Toor dhal Lunch 25
10 Black gram dhal Morning 30
11 Black gram dhal Seasoning 1
12 Greengram dhal Morning 25
13 Greengram dhal Night 10
14 Roasted bengal gram 50
15 Sundal 50
16 Salt 15
17 Tamarind 7
18 red chillies 5
19 Curry powder 7
20 Cumin seeds 1
21 Pepper 1
22 Mustard 1
23 Fenugreek Seasoning 0.5
24 Fenugreek seeds Morning 0.75
25 Asafoetida 0.1
26 Turmeric 1
27 Garlic 1
28 Goundnut Oil 20
29 Jaggary 10
30 Nutrimix Kanji powder 15
31 Milk Morning 250
32 Curd ml 200
33 Egg nos 2
34 Fruit nos 1
35 Vegetable Lunch 100
36 Vegetable Night 100
37 Greens 100
38 Onion 50
39 Tomato 50
40 Carrot 250
41 Beans 25
42 Ginger – pongal 1
43 Ginger – kitchedi 1
44 Curry & corriander leaves 2
45 Green chillies 2
46 Lime 0.25


S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Night 60
2 Par boiled rice Lunch 75
3 Rice Rava 75
4 Vermicelli 75
5 Sago 30
6 Sago – evening 30
7 Sweet Biscuit 3
8 Black gram dhal 20
9 Fenugreek – Seasoning 0.5
10 Goundnut Oil 15
11 Sugar 25
12 Sugar – night 25
13 Curd ml 200
14 Egg nos 1
15 Bread Morning 100
16 Bread evening 50
17 Renal Vegetable Lunch 200
18 Renal Vegetable Night 200
19 Mint 15
20 Onion 25
21 Cucumber 200
22 Guava 100



S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Night 60
2 Par boiled rice Lunch 75
3 Rice Rava 75
4 Vermicelli 75
5 Sago 30
6 Sago – evening 30
7 Biscuit 3
8 Black gram dhal 20
9 Fenugreek – Seasoning 0.5
10 Goundnut Oil 15
11 Curd ml 200
12 Egg nos 1
13 Bread Morning 100
14 Bread evening 50
15 Renal Vegetable Lunch 200
16 Renal Vegetable Night 200
17 Mint 15
18 Onion chutney 100
19 Onion 25
20 Cucumber 200
21 Guava 100



AC SPL : For those with Ryles Tube Feeding
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Rice flour 70
2 Sago flour 30
3 Green gram dhal 40
4 Salt 3
5 Goundnut Oil 20
6 Sugar 50
7 Milk 500
8 Curd ml 200
9 Egg nos 2
10 Oranges/Sweet lime 4
11 Vegetable Soup 50
12 Greens 50
13 Enteral supplement 50



AC SPL RENAL : For those with Ryles Tube Feeding
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Rice flour 70
2 Sago flour 60
3 Salt 1
4 Goundnut Oil 20
5 Sugar 50
6 Milk 500
7 Curd ml 200
8 Egg nos 2
9 Vegetable Soup 50
10 Enteral supplement 50



AC SPL BURNS : For those with Ryles Tube Feeding
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Rice flour 70
2 Sago flour 30
3 Green gram dhal 40
4 Salt 3
5 Goundnut Oil 20
6 Sugar 75
7 Milk 750
8 Egg nos 3
9 Vegetable Soup 100
10 Greens 100
11 Enteral supplement 100
12 Oranges/Sweet lime 4


RCD : Radiotheraphy Chemotherapy Diet
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Sago/Rice flour 50
2 Sugar 40
3 Milk – Morning 250
4 Milk – Evening 250
5 Curd ml 200
6 Egg nos 2
7 Oranges/Sweet lime 8


RCD DIABETIC : Radiotherapy Chemotherapy
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Sago/Rice flour 50
2 Milk – Morning 250
3 Milk – Evening 250
4 Curd ml 200
5 Egg nos 2
6 Oranges/Sweet lime 8


M&B : Milk and Bread
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Milk – Morning 500
2 Milk – Evening 250
3 Curd ml 0
4 Egg nos 1
5 Fruit nos 2
6 Bread 400


INF : 0 to 6 months
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Greengram dhal 10
2 Salt 2
3 Coconut oil 25
4 Jaggary 20
5 Nutrimix Kanji powder 12.5
6 Milk morning 250
7 Milk evening 250
8 Egg nos 1
9 Plantain 1
10 Potato 50



INF – SPL : 6 to 12 months
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Rice flour 25
2 Sago flour 20
3 Roasted bengal gram flour 25
4 Coconut oil 25
5 Curd ml 200



C-STD 1-8yrs
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Morning 30
2 Par boiled rice lunch 50
3 Par boiled rice Night 60
4 Raw Rice Night 75
5 Toor dhal Morning 12.5
6 Toor dhal Lunch 12.5
7 Black gram dhal Morning 10
8 Black gram dhal Night 20
9 Black gram dhal Seasoning 1
10 Greengram dhal Night 25
11 Salt 6
12 Tamarind 5
13 red chillies 5
14 Curry powder 5
15 Garam masala powder 0.5
16 Cumin seeds 1
17 Pepper 1
18 Mustard 1
19 Fenugreek seeds Seasoning 0.5
20 Fenugreek seeds Morning 0.25
21 Fenugreek seeds Night 0.5
22 Asafoetida 0.1
23 Diet Scale 1
24 Garlic 0.5
25 Goundnut Oil 15
26 Jaggary 8
27 Nutrimix Kanji powder 5
28 Milk 250
29 Curd ml 100
30 Egg nos 1
31 Fruit nos 1
32 Vegetable/Potato lunch 100
33 Potato lunch 100
34 Vegetable Night 50
35 Greens 100
36 Onion 25
37 Tomato 25
38 Coconut 20
39 Ginger – pongal 1
40 Curry and corriander leaves 2



C-STD 8-12yrs
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Morning 60
2 Par boiled rice lunch 75
3 Par boiled rice Night 90
4 Raw Rice Night 100
5 Toor dhal Morning 12.5
6 Toor dhal Lunch 25
7 Black gram dhal Morning 20
8 Black gram dhal Night 30
9 Black gram dhal Seasoning 1
10 Greengram dhal Night 30
11 Salt 6
12 Tamarind 5
13 red chillies 5
14 Curry powder 5
15 Garam masala powder 0.5
16 Cumin seeds 1
17 Pepper 1
18 Mustard 1
19 Fenugreek seeds Seasoning 0.5
20 Fenugreek seeds Morning 0.5
21 Fenugreek seeds Night 0.75
22 Asafoetida 0.1
23 Turmeric 1
24 Garlic 0.5
25 Goundnut Oil 15
26 Jaggary 10
27 Nutrimix Kanji powder 6
28 Milk 250
29 Curd ml 100
30 Egg nos 1
31 Fruit nos 1
32 Vegetable lunch 100
33 Potato lunch 100
34 Vegetable Night 50
35 Greens 100
36 Onion 30
37 Tomato 30
38 Coconut 20
39 Ginger – pongal 1
40 Curry and corriander leaves 2


C-HIV-STD 1-8yrs
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Morning 30
2 Par boiled rice lunch 50
3 Par boiled rice Night 60
4 Raw Rice Night 75
5 Sago 20
6 Toor dhal Morning 12.5
7 Toor dhal Lunch 12.5
8 Black gram dhal Morning 10
9 Black gram dhal Night 20
10 Black gram dhal Seasoning 1
11 Greengram dhal Night 25
12 Salt 6
13 Tamarind 5
14 red chillies 5
15 Curry powder 5
16 Garam masala powder 0.5
17 Cumin seeds 1
18 Pepper 1
19 Mustard 1
20 Fenugreek seeds Seasoning 0.5
21 Fenugreek seeds Morning 0.25
22 Fenugreek seeds Night 0.5
23 Asafoetida 0.1
24 Turmeric 1
25 Garlic 0.5
26 Goundnut Oil 15
27 Jaggary 12
28 Nutrimix/Ragi Kanji powder 7.5
29 Milk 250
30 Curd ml 100
31 Egg nos 2
32 Fruit nos 2
33 Vegetable lunch 100
34 Potato lunch 100
35 Vegetable Night 50
36 Greens 100
37 Onion 25
38 Tomato 25
39 Coconut 20
40 Ginger – pongal 1
41 Curry and corriander leaves 2

C-HIV-STD 8-12yrs
S.No Ingredient Sub-clause Quantity
1 Par boiled rice Morning 60
2 Par boiled rice lunch 75
3 Par boiled rice Night 90
4 Raw Rice Night 100
5 Sago 20
6 Toor dhal Morning 12.5
7 Toor dhal Lunch 25
8 Black gram dhal Morning 20
9 Black gram dhal Night 30
10 Black gram dhal Seasoning 1
11 Greengram dhal Night 30
12 Salt 6
13 Tamarind 5
14 red chillies 5
15 Curry powder 5
16 Garam masala powder 0.5
17 Cumin seeds 1
18 Pepper 1
19 Mustard 1
20 Fenugreek seeds Seasoning 0.5
21 Fenugreek seeds Morning 0.5
22 Fenugreek seeds Night 0.75
23 Asafoetida 0.1
24 Turmeric 1
25 Garlic 0.5
26 Goundnut Oil 15
27 Jaggary 12
28 Nutrimix/Ragi Kanji powder 7.5
29 Milk 250
30 Curd ml 100
31 Egg nos 2
32 Fruit nos 2
33 Vegetable lunch 100
34 Potato lunch 100
35 Vegetable Night 50
36 Greens 100
37 Onion 30
38 Tomato 30
39 Coconut 20
40 Ginger – pongal 1
41 Curry and corriander leaves 2













PNB Loan Crisis : Privatize Banks or Nationalize Jewelries

  • One Intelligentsia : I am thinking aloud, If Nationalised Banks had been privatised, would these issues occur.
  • Me : Yes, It would still Occur. But If All Industries above 1 crore is Nationalised, this won’t occur
  • Intelligentsia : Blinks and Gulps and Moves Away

They say “Never Argue with Idiots. They bring you to their level and win through familiarity”
I would say that the first part of the logic always happen, but winning can be either way depending on how smart you are

Difference between Humble and Timid, Proud and Arrogant

  • The difference between Strong and Rude, Kind and Weak, Humble and Timid, Proud and Arrogant are all the same.
  • It is the same difference between Blood and Tomato Sauce. It depends on who exhibits them.
  • If it is by some one we like, call use former terms.
  • Else Latter terms

Anti Rabies Vaccine for Dog Bite. Availability in Primary Health Centre and Medical College

Some Times Truth is Stranger than Fiction
Let me share a real fact.


I joined Tamil Nadu Medical Services in 2004 and worked for three years in Primary Health Centres. In Primary Health Centres, Run by Department of Health, Government of Tamil Nadu, we used to give ARV (Anti Rabies Vaccine) any time the patient walks in.

And then
I came to Madras Medical College, a tertiary care institution and was shocked to find that Vaccines are given only from 8 AM to 11 AM and that too only on Working Days. . . I could not comprehend the rationale. I am sure that Dogs in areas round the medical college hospital do not follow Calendar and Watch when biting on unsuspecting individuals


So, you have two hospitals run by the Same Government, Same Ministry, Same Minister, Same Health Secretary

  1. A 24x7x365 Tertiary Care Hospital, with nearly 1000 doctors working and around 5000 beds, where Vaccines for dog bite are given only 3 hours for 6 days a week
  2. A Primary Health Centre, with just two doctors, where vaccines for dog bite are given any time the patient walks in

Logic says that you will expect better service in a Tertiary Care Hospital
In Reality, Primary Health Centres Provide Better Service

So, the administrative fact that is really fiction is that Tertiary Health Care gives better service 🙂

I did try to analyse why this happened and found the reason too

It was because

Anti Rabies Vaccine Multi Dose Vial
Anti Rabies Vaccine Multi Dose Vial

Earlier, Vaccines came in Multi Dose Vial. That is in a single bottle (or ampoule) there were many doses. So, they took the bottle out of the fridge and wanted to finish it off quickly. So they made people come within a narrow time window
Now, vaccines come in single dose vial. Only one dose in a bottle (or ampoule). So they can open the vial, give the injection and need not worry about keep it safe again

Anti Rabies Vaccines started in Medical Colleges a long time ago, So they followed the narrow time window. They did not think to change it when multi dose vials got replaced by single dose vials. They did not apply their mind. They did not take the new scientific advancement to their advantage. It is like a person who started using bicycle, continuing in bicycle even after two wheelers were invented

Anti Rabies Vaccine Single Dose Vial
Anti Rabies Vaccine Single Dose Vial

Primary Health Centres, where they recently started Anti Rabies Vaccines and at that time, they had single dose vials. So they did not have any time window

This also underlies lessons in Management :

  1. All Protocols need to be reviewed at regular intervals and see whether a new and better protocol be introduced taking into account a recent invention or scientific advancement
  2. Smaller institutions may have better protocols. So learning should be two way and the bigger institutions need not always push their ideas

பிடிக்காத துக்க செய்தியை மனிதர்கள் எதிர்கொள்ளும் ஏழு நிலைகள் – The Kübler-Ross Grief Cycle

சுவிட்சர்லாந்து நாட்டு மனநல மருத்துவரான எலிஸ்பத் கூபர்-ராஸ் (எலிசபத்து கூபரு ராசு) துக்க நிகழ்வை ஒருவர் எதிர்கொள்ளும் முறையை விளக்கியுள்ளார். முதலில் புற்றுநோய் போன்ற நோய்களால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களின் மனநிலையை பிரதிபலிப்பதாக இந்த நிலைகள் மருத்துவர் எலிசபத் ராசினால் கூறப்பட்டாலும், எந்த வித துக்க நிகழ்வுகளுக்கும் இது பொருந்தும் என்று சில காலங்களிலேயே கண்டறியப்பட்டது.

எலிசபத் ராஸ் முதலில் கூறியது ஐந்து நிலைகள் தான். (மறுப்பு, கோபம், பேரம், மனச்சோர்வு, ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுதல்). சோதித்தல் என்பது பின்னர் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது. அதே போல் அதிர்ச்சி என்ற நிலையும் பின்னர் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது தான்

ஆக, ஒரு துக்க நிகழ்வை எதிர்க்கொள்ளும் மனித மனம் கீழ்க்கண்ட எழு நிலைகளை கடந்து வருகிறது

  1. அதிர்ச்சி
  2. மறுப்பு
  3. கோபம்
  4. பேரம்
  5. மனச்சோர்வு
  6. சோதித்து பார்த்தல்
  7. ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுதல்

இதை சில உதாரணங்களுடன் பார்ப்போம்

உதாரணம் 1 : தேர்வில் தேர்ச்சியடையாத மாணவனின் மனநிலை

(பின்குறிப்பு : ஒரு 3 மணி நேரத்தில் 15 கேள்விகளுக்கு அளிக்கப்படும் விடையை வைத்து “தோல்வி” என்ற அடைமொழியை பயன்படுத்தில் எனக்கு உடன்பாடு கிடையாது)
தேர்வு முடிவு வரும் வரை, அவனது இயல்பான நடவடிக்கைகள் இருந்து கொண்டிருக்கும். நண்பர்களுடன் அரட்டை, கிரிக்கெட், தொலைகாட்சி, என்ற அவனது இயல்பு வாழ்க்கையை நாம் “நிலையான நிலை” என்று அழைப்போம்

The Kübler-Ross Grief Cycle in Tamil (படம் உதவி : குசும்பன் )
The Kübler-Ross Grief Cycle in Tamil (படம் உதவி : குசும்பன் )

இப்பொழுது தேர்வு முடிவுகள் வெளிவந்தவுடன் என்ன நடக்கிறது என்று பார்ப்போம்

  1. அதிர்ச்சி : முடிவை பார்த்தவுடன் அல்லது கேட்டவுடன் அவன் அதிர்ச்சி அடைகிறான். தலையை ஆட்டி சம்மதம் என்றாலும் உள்ளுக்குள் அந்த செய்தியின் தாக்கம் செல்ல சிறிது நேரம் ஆகிறது. சிலருக்கு நாக்கு உலர்ந்து விடும். தொண்டை அடைப்பது போன்ற நிகழ்வுகள் நடப்பதும் உண்டு.
  2. மறுப்பு : “இல்லை. நான் கட்டாயம் தேர்ச்சி பெற்று இருப்பேன்”. “இதில் ஏதோ தவறு”. “இந்த நாளிதழ் தவறாக அச்சிட்டுள்ளது. அடுத்த நாளிதழை வாங்கி பார்ப்போம்”
  3. கோபம் : அனைவர் மேலும் கோபம். விடைத்தாளை திருத்தியவர் மேல் கோபம். அதிகம் 10 நிமிடம் தராத தேர்வரங்க ஆசிரியர் மேல் கோபம். கத்துவது, எதையாவது தூக்கி எறிவது, அடுத்தவர்களிடம் எரிந்து விழுவது என்று சம்பந்தப்பட்ட நபர் அதிகம் “செயல்படுவதால்” இது “செயல்படும் நிலை”
  4. பேரம் : எத்தனை தாள்களில் தேர்வாக வில்லை. ஒரே ஒரு தாள் தானா, பல தாள்களா
  5. மனச்சோர்வு : அறைக்குள் அடைந்து கிடப்பது. ஒழுங்காக சாப்பிடாமல் இருப்பது. யாரிடமும் பேசாமல் இருப்பது என்று வழக்கமான அளவை விட குறைந்த அளவே வேலை செய்வதால் “செயல்படா நிலை”
  6. சோதித்தல் : மதிப்பெண் பட்டியலை சென்று பார்த்தல்
  7. ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுதல் : அடுத்த தேர்விற்கு தயாராகுதல்

உதாரணம் 2 : தொழிற்சாலையில் விபத்து என்று கேள்விப்படும் தொழிலதிபர்

விபத்து என்று செய்தி வரும் வரை, அவனது இயல்பான நடவடிக்கைகள் இருந்து கொண்டிருக்கும். அலுவலகம் செல்வது, தொழிற்சாலை செல்வது, கூட்டங்கள், கேளிக்கை, கிளப்புக்கு சென்று சீட்டு விளையாடுவது என்ற அவரது இயல்பு வாழ்க்கையை நாம் “நிலையான நிலை” என்று அழைப்போம்

Kubler Ross Grief Cycle 7 Stages
Kubler Ross Grief Cycle 7 Stages

இப்பொழுது தொழிற்சாலையில் விபத்து என்றவுடன் என்ன நடக்கிறது என்று பார்ப்போம்

  1. அதிர்ச்சி : செய்தியை கேட்டவுடன் முதலில் நடப்பது அதிர்ச்சி தான். தலையை ஆட்டி சம்மதம் என்றாலும் உள்ளுக்குள் அந்த செய்தியின் தாக்கம் செல்ல சிறிது நேரம் ஆகிறது. சிலருக்கு நாக்கு உலர்ந்து விடும். தொண்டை அடைப்பது போன்ற நிகழ்வுகள் நடப்பதும் உண்டு. நெஞ்சு வலி வரலாம். முச்சடைக்கலாம். ஏற்கனவே இதய நோயாளி என்றால் மாரடைப்பு கூட வரலாம்.
  2. மறுப்பு : “இல்லை, என் தொழிற்சாலையில் இருக்காது. அங்கு விபத்து நடப்பதற்கு வழியே இல்லையே. வேறு ஏதாவது இடத்தில் இருக்கலாம்”
  3. கோபம் : கத்துவது, எதையாவது தூக்கி எறிவது, அடுத்தவர்களிடம் எரிந்து விழுவது என்று சம்பந்தப்பட்ட நபர் அதிகம் “செயல்படுவதால்” இது “செயல்படும் நிலை”
  4. பேரம் : “எவ்வளவு சேதம்”, “அதில் எவ்வளவு விபத்து காப்பீடு உள்ளது”, “கொஞ்சமாவது தேறுமா”
  5. மனச்சோர்வு : அறைக்குள் அடைந்து கிடப்பது. ஒழுங்காக சாப்பிடாமல் இருப்பது. யாரிடமும் பேசாமல் இருப்பது என்று வழக்கமான அளவை விட குறைந்த அளவே வேலை செய்வதால் “செயல்படா நிலை”
  6. சோதித்தல் : “விபத்து எப்படி நடந்தது” “யார் தவறு” “இனி இப்படி நடக்காமல் தடுப்பது எப்படி”
  7. ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுதல் : “எப்படியும் அந்த டிவிசனை இடித்து விட்டு புதிதாக கட்ட வேண்டும் என்று நினைத்தேன்” “இனி செய்துவிட வேண்டியது தான்”

மூன்றாவது உதாரணம் எழுதவில்லை. நீங்களே பொருத்தி பாருங்கள்.

  • பொருந்தி வருவது தெளிவாக தெரிந்தால் நீங்கள் மூன்றாவது நிலையை தாண்டி நான்காவது, ஐந்தாவது, ஆறாவது அல்லது ஏழாவது நிலையில் உள்ளீர்கள்
  • கோபப்பட்டால் மூன்றாவது நிலை
  • அந்த உதாரணம் பொருந்தாது என்று கூறினால் இரண்டாவது நிலை
  • முதல் நிலையில் இருப்பவர் இந்த இடுகையை வாசிக்கும் வாய்ப்பு குறைவு

வலிப்பு நோய் உள்ளவர்கள் கடைபிடிக்கவேண்டிய முன்னெச்சரிக்கை நடவடிக்கைகள் யாவை ? : வலிப்பு நோயா ? : பாகம் 3

வலிப்பு நோயா ? : பாகம் 3 : வலிப்பு நோய் உள்ளவர்கள் கடைபிடிக்கவேண்டிய முன்னெச்சரிக்கை நடவடிக்கைகள் யாவை ?


1. மாத்திரைகளை தொடர்ந்து ஒழுங்காக சாப்பிட வேண்டும். மருத்துவரின் ஆலோசனை இல்லாமல் மாத்திரைகளை மாற்றுவதோ, அல்லது குறைப்பதோ கூடாது. போதுமான அளவு மாத்திரைகளை கையிருப்பில் வைத்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். மாத்திரை தீரும் வரை காத்திருக்காமல், 4 நாட்களுக்கு முன்னரே வாங்கிவிட வேண்டும்.

2. சர்க்கரை நோய், இரத்த அழுத்தம் போன்றவை இருந்தால், அந்த நோய்களுக்கான சிகிச்சையை முறையாக எடுக்க வேண்டும். சிறிது கூட தாமதிக்கக்கூடாது. இரத்த அழுத்தம், சர்க்கரை நோய், இதய நோய் போன்றவற்றிற்கு சிகிச்சை எடுக்க வேண்டியிருந்தால், உணவுக்கட்டுப்பாடு தேவை. தங்களின் ஆரம்ப சுகாதார நிலைய மருத்துவர், குடும்ப மருத்துவர் ஆகியோரின் ஆலோசனைகளை கடைபிடிக்கவும்

3. வேறு எந்த நோயும் இல்லாதவர்கள் கூட அதிக அளவு சர்க்கரை, மாவுச்சத்து ஆகியவற்றை தவிர்க்க வேண்டும்

4. ஒரு சிறு காகிதத்தில் தங்களின் பெயர், வலிப்பு நோயின் சரியான பெயர், எடுத்துக்கொள்ளும் மாத்திரைகளின் பெயர், குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்களின் பெயர் மற்றும் அலைபேசி எண், குடும்ப மருத்துவரின் பெயர் மற்றும் எண் ஆகியவற்றை எழுதி (அல்லது தட்டச்சு செய்து) அதை ஒரு கண்ணாடிஉறைக்குள் (அல்லது லேமினேட் செய்து) சட்டைப்பையில் வைத்துக்கொள்ளவும்

வலிப்பு நோய் உள்ளவர்கள் கடைபிடிக்கவேண்டிய முன்னெச்சரிக்கை நடவடிக்கைகள் யாவை ?
வலிப்பு நோய் உள்ளவர்கள் கடைபிடிக்கவேண்டிய முன்னெச்சரிக்கை நடவடிக்கைகள் யாவை ?

5. தினமும் குளிக்கவும். தலைக்கு குளிக்கலாம்.
ஷவரில் குளிக்கலாம். அல்லது வாளியில் நீர் பிடித்து குளிக்கலாம்
குளியல் தொட்டியில் குளிப்பதை தவிர்க்க வேண்டும்.
குளியலறை/ கழிப்பறை கதவினை சாத்தவும், ஆனால் உள்ளிருந்து தாழ்ப்பாள் போடக்கூடாது.

6. குளியலறைக்குள் (அல்லது நீருக்கு அருகில்) மின் சாதனங்களை பயன்படுத்த வேண்டாம். வலிப்பு ஏற்பட்டால் இவை நீருக்குள் விழுந்தால் மின் அதிர்ச்சி ஏற்பட (ஷாக் அடிக்க) வாய்ப்பு உள்ளது

7. அறைக்குள் தனியாக இருக்கும் போது உட்புறம் தாழ்ப்பாள் போடக்கூடாது. இரு பக்கமும் திறக்கும் பூட்டுகளையே வீட்டில் பயன்படுத்தவும்

8. கண் கண்ணாடி அணிபவராக இருந்தால் உங்கள் லென்ஸ்களை உடையாத லென்ஸ்களாக மாற்றுங்கள்

9. வீட்டினுள் முடிந்த அளவு கண்ணாடிகளை தவிர்த்து விட்டு, ப்ளாஸ்டிக் போன்ற உடையாத பொருட்களை பயன்படுத்த வேண்டும்
உதாரனமாக : கண்ணாடி கோப்பைகளை பயன்படுத்தக்கூடாது. வலிப்பின் போது இவை உடைந்து அதிக பாதிப்புகளை ஏற்படுத்தலாம்

10. சமையல் செய்யும் போது, பாத்திரங்களில் கைப்பிடி, சுவற்றை நோக்கி இருக்கும்படி வைத்துக்கொள்ளவும். ஒருவேலை வலிப்பு ஏற்பட்டால் கூட, உங்கள் கை அந்த கைப்பிடியில் பட்டு, கொதிக்கும் குழம்பு உங்கள் மேல் விழும் வாய்ப்பை அளிக்கக்கூடாது


11. உங்கள் உடன் பணிபுரிபவர்கள் மற்றும் மேலதிகாரிகள் ஆகியோருக்கு இதை தெரியப்படுத்துங்கள். 4ஆம் கருத்தில் கூறிய காகிதத்தின் ஒரு நகலை அவர்களுக்கு அளிப்பது சிறந்தது

12. கூர்மையான கருவிகள் பயன்படுத்தக்கூடாது

வெளியில் செல்லும் போது

13. மருத்துவரின் பரிந்துரை இல்லாமல் வாகனம் ஓட்டக்கூடாது

14. ஏரி, குளம், கிணறு, அருவி ஆகியவற்றினுள் தனியாக செல்லக்கூடாது. நீச்சல் தெரிந்த நபர்கள் அருகில் இருந்தால் மட்டுமே நீர் நிலைகளுக்குள் செல்ல வேண்டும்


15. ஒரு நாட்குறிப்பேட்டில் (அல்லது கூகிள் காலெண்டரில்) வலிப்பு ஏற்படும் தேதி, நேரம் ஆகியவற்றை குறித்து வைத்துக்கொள்ளவும்

16. ஒழுங்கான தூக்கம் வேண்டும். முறையான நேரத்தில் தூங்க செல்வது நலம்.

17. வலிப்பு அறிகுறியை தோற்றுவிக்கும் காரணிகளை முடிந்தவரை தவிர்க்கவேண்டும். சிலருக்கு தூங்காவிட்டால் வலிப்பு வரும். அவர்கள் முறையாக தூங்க வேண்டும். சிலருக்கு விளக்கும் பளிச்சிட்டால் வலிப்பு வரும். அவர்கள் அது போல் பளிச்சிடும் விளக்குகளை பார்ப்பதை தவிர்க்க வேண்டும்

18. வலிப்பு ஏற்பட்டாலோ அல்லது தலைவலி, பார்வை இரண்டாக தெரிவது, வாந்தி ஆகியவை ஏற்பட்டாலோ உடனடியாக 108 அழைத்து மருத்துவமனைக்கு வரவும்


இந்த கட்டுரை பலருக்கும் பயன்பட இதை உங்கள் பக்கத்தில் மற்றும் குழுக்களில் பகிரும் படி கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறேன்
உங்கள் சந்தேகங்களை மறுமொழியில் கேளுங்கள்


முதுகுவலி, எடை குறைப்பு, தலைவலி, கைகால்வலிப்பு (காக்காவலிப்பு) குறித்த தகவல்களை தொடர்ந்து வாசிக்க, இந்த பக்கத்தை விரும்பவும் (லைக் செய்யவும்)