Q1 : What are the benefits of #accredidation of a lab
A1 :
(a) Increased #Precision of Lab Reports
(b) Increased #Accuracy of Lab Reports
Q2 : What are the cost of accredidation of a lab
(a) One Time Cost to Setup the lab increased
(b) Recurrent Cost for each test increased
Difference between
#Precision and #Accuracy
is explained here
Q3 : What happens when the One Time Cost to Setup the lab increased
A3 : There will be fewer labs
Q4 : What will fewer labs lead to
A4 : It leads to
Reduced #availability of a test. You can’t do a test
Reduced #accessibility of a test. You need to travel far to do the test
Q5 : What happens #Recurrent Cost for each test increased
A5 : Test will cost more
Q6 : What does High Cost of a test lead to
A6 : It leads to
You spending more for a test
and as a result
Doing Less Tests than needed
When you #accredidate a lab, you get a More #Precise and More #Accurate Results
At the same time
Tests are not #available to many
Tests are not #accessible to many
Tests are not #affordable to many
The number of people doing tests drastically reduces
Number of times, a person does a test also drastically comes down
Accreditation has #Benefits (Precision and Accuracy)
Accrediation also has #ADVERSE EFFECTS (tests are not done even when it is needed)
Q7 : Which is greater
A7 : The Adverse Effects are greater
Q8 : Can you please show me a study, Cochrane review, Data to prove that Accreditation of Lab is harmful
A8 : There is no study to prove tha parachutes are useful
Q9 : Is this the answer to Q8
A9 : Yes. It is
It means that If you ask data for something which is obvious, you are idiot
Q10 : Are you saying that there should be no quality control for lab test
A10 : No. I support Quality Control. No Doubt. But I need tests first
There is no use in having quality control, improved accuracy, improved precision
If 90 % of population are going to be with no test at all
There are three options here
1. Tests with Accreditation
2. Tests without Accrediation
3. No Test
Between 1 and 2, I will chose 1
Between 2 and 3, I will chose 2
Please realise that your attempt at moving from 2 to 1 actually leads to less than 10 percent getting that benefit while 90 percent moves from 2 to 3